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Srebrni kontakti iz zlitine kadmijevega oksida AgCdO


Srebrov kadmijev oksid zlitina AgCdO, refers to a silver-based alloy containing cadmium oxide.

Srebrov kadmijev oksid zlitina AgCdO je zlitina na osnovi srebra, ki vsebuje kadmijev oksid, srebro in kadmijev oksid se ne mešajo. Obstajajo AgCdO5, AgCdO8, AgCdO10 in AgCdO15, itd.

Srebrov kadmijev oksid zlitina AgCdO has high electrical conductivity, good resistance to electrical wear and fusion welding, low and stable contact resistance, and arc extinguishing. It can be manufactured by or by oxidation-powder metallurgy, and can obtain alloys with microstructure and uniform distribution of cadmium oxide.

Silver cadmium oxide alloy AgCdO is used as a medium and high power electrical contact material for magnetic starters, high power relays, ignition switch contacts of electric welding machines, and aviation electrical contacts.

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